Firstly, a little background into flu vaccination. We
currently have an annual flu vaccine which is given to ‘at risk’ individuals
just before the onset of the flu season (winter). The vaccine contains three
different strains of influenza which are predicted to be present during the up
and coming flu season. Straight away we hit a slight snag here; the vaccine is
made from virus strains which we are expecting
to be circulating in the coming months. We need to base the vaccine on ‘guess
work’ since it can take as long as six months to produce enough vaccine for
everyone who needs it; this is also the reason why we only target ‘at risk’
individuals, we simply can’t make enough for everyone at present. The
production of flu vaccine is slow because it relies on growing the virus in
eggs, from where it will be collected and made into the vaccine. I say the
vaccine is based on ‘guess work’, but this does a huge disservice to the
vaccinologists and epidemiologists. The three chosen strains of the virus are
picked on the basis of months of surveillance and a lot of data crunching, and
the ‘guesses’ that are made regarding which strains to use are rarely incorrect.
If the wrong strains are chosen, or the strains circulating change, then it we
are likely to see an outbreak.
The current flu vaccine is given to over 65s, pregnant
women, chronically ill patients etc. The vaccine is given as an injection and is
made of inactivated virus. There are two major categories of classical vaccine,
these being inactivated and live-attenuated vaccines (I’ll come back to the latter
of these shortly). The inactivated vaccines contain virus particles that are
completely inert; they have been ‘killed’ by treatment with chemicals. This
version of the flu vaccine is injected into the arm of patients and delivers
dead influenza particles which subsequently trigger our immune system to
develop a, so called, ‘memory response’ against the flu virus. This memory
response means that the next time a live influenza virus (of the same strain as
was in the vaccine) enters the patient the immune system will have a very rapid
and strong response, so as to completely protect from any severe disease.
Live-attenuated vaccines are slightly different as they do not use
killed virus. These vaccines use a weakened (attenuated) form of the virus
which is less capable of causing disease. An example of this attenuation is
known as cold-adapted virus. To produce this form of a vaccine, virus is grown
at temperatures much lower than human body temperature. The virus evolves to
grow effectively at these low temperatures. When the virus is then in the human
body, at a much higher temperature, it does not grow as well as it usually
would. The virus will be cleared by the immune system before it is able to
evolve back to growing at human body temperature and provide a protective
memory response at the same time. This is just one example of how a live-attenuated
virus can be produced, there are many other methods.
Both the inactivated and live-attenuated vaccines have their
pros and cons, but the main point is that live-attenuated vaccines tend to give
a better level of immunity since they more closely mimic a real infection, but
they also carry more risk. The risk with live-attenuated vaccines comes from
the possibility of ‘reversion’ whereby the virus mutates back to its normal
(wild type) form. If reversion occurs then the vaccine has a chance to cause
the very disease it is designed to protect against. We currently use an
inactivated virus for the seasonal flu vaccine since there is no chance of
reversion, making it safe to give to people who are at the most risk of a
severe infection. Children tend to have much stronger immune systems than those
classed as ‘at risk.’ It is therefore safer to give children a live-attenuated
vaccine since they should be able to fight off the virus before it reverts and,
should it revert, they are better able to recover from the disease without any
severe complications.
![]() |
A shot of FluMist |
That covers the background, so now we can move onto the
proposal of vaccinating all 2-17 year olds here in the UK. The first important
point to note about the proposal is that it plans to use a vaccine that is
given as a nasal spray, instead of an injection, making it much easier to give
en masse (and much less painful). The nasal spray vaccine has been used in the
United States since 2003, under the name FluMist, and uses live-attenuated virus.
The next big thing to consider is the reason behind targeting
children with this vaccination. Flu is predominantly a disease of the old and
the young, however it is much less likely that infection with influenza will
cause severe disease in children, so some may ask why bother? There are a lot
of reasons to bother. The main reason lies with the concept of herd immunity
(which isn’t the easiest thing so bear with me).
In an ideal world everyone would be vaccinated against every disease possible.
If this was the case, then the virus would never cause any infections (and
would die out). However, it is impossible to get 100% coverage of a vaccine in
the real world. What is instead attempted is to achieve a level of coverage high
enough that everyone is, in effect, protected. Let’s say there are a group of 1
million people. If 90% of these are vaccinated there are only 100,000 of the 1
million who can get the disease. If one of these ‘at risk’ individuals gets infected
the chances of them meeting one of the other 99,999 who could get the disease
is very slim (99,999 who could get infected against another 900,000 who can’t),
making spread unlikely. Those people who haven’t been vaccinated are therefore
protected simply because such a high proportion of the population has been.
With a high level of coverage there is a good level of herd immunity.
If we vaccinate all children aged 2-17 we reduce the number of
people who can become infected and subsequently spread disease. This will help
to protect people who are at even greater risk of severe disease, for instance,
a child’s grandparents who they may visit while carrying infective virus. If
you have read any reports about this new proposal you may have seen the quote
that, “even with moderate uptake of 30% it's
estimated that this should result in 11,000 fewer hospitalisations and 2,000
fewer deaths each year,” from the Chief medical officer Professor Dame Sally
Davies. These estimated figures are based
around the concept of herd immunity, as well as the direct effects of
vaccinating the children.
Herd immunity is not the only reason to vaccinate
children. A child who gets flu will have to take time of school, potentially up
to a couple of weeks. This means a parent would have to take time off work.
Being at home with a sick child also makes the parent more likely to contract
the disease themselves and have to take further time off work. Missing work is
clearly not good for the parent, nor is it good for the economy as a whole. I
have only used the examples of reduced hospitalisation and reduced time off work,
but hopefully already you can see the economic logic behind the proposed move.
I’d hate to have been the person to do these sums, but it has been estimated
that the approximate £100 million a year cost for the vaccine campaign is cost effective when compared to the
other economic benefits it could have.
For the majority of children, influenza is not a
killer disease. However, starting in 2014 it is highly likely that we will see
a huge campaign to get as many 2-17 year olds vaccinated against the virus as
possible. The vaccine will help to reduce the cases of influenza infection in
children, which, while rarely fatal, is still fairly nasty and not one you’d
want to have if you can avoid it. The campaign will also help to protect those
at higher risk of severe influenza by increasing the level of herd immunity. It
won’t be a cheap campaign, but the simple fact that it will help prevent many
cases of flu will help reduce the costs needed to treat these people, making it
cost effective. Away from cost-effectiveness, if you could prevent yourself
getting a nasty disease, you are at risk from, by simply having something
sprayed up your nose, wouldn’t you want to?